The Organizing Committee of isls2022istanbul welcome the submission for oral and poster presentation at the Congress. Abstract Submission opens on November 11, 2022 and closes on December 1, 2022. Accepted abstracts will be published on the isls2022istanbul website.
Please contact with secretariat for any assistance regarding the submissions:
Please find and read the guidelines below before your submission.
The isls2022istanbul Symposium is supported by ISLS that is an international society of liver Surgeons.
Abstracts must be written in English. The maximum length allowed for an abstract is 300 words. The abstract title, the author(s) or names of institutions are not included in the count of 300 words.
Please make paragraphs in the following order; to abstract as informative as possible and please include a brief statement of the purpose and hypotheses, the method used, the results observed and the conclusions. It is not appropriate to say “The results will be discussed” or “The data will be presented”.
It is the author’s responsibility to submit a correct abstract. Any errors in spelling, grammar or scientific fact will be reproduced as typed by the author as no editing will be done by isls2022istanbul.
Authors are going to held their presentation as scientific e-poster for accepted abstracts. Please note that the final decisions regarding the allocation and the type of presentation of the submitted abstract will be made by the Program Committee.
With the notification of acceptance, abstract presenters will be informed about the time and date of their presentation, and are asked to reconfirm their attendance.
Accepted abstracts will be published on the isls2022istanbul Symposium. The presenting author of an abstract must register for the Symposium. Accepted abstracts will be considered for a Travel Grant and is going to be provided to 5 of them.
Please follow the guidelines below for all video submissions:
Video abstracts accepted for Surgical Video presentation will have a 5-minute video presentation followed by 3 minutes for discussion.
For any assistance regarding the submission of an abstract:
Please contact the Secretariat at